First Federation Trust
Children have been working on understanding the digestive system. We created a practical experiment to show the movement of food through the body.
Children have been working on their Fundamental skills. They have been focusing on balances in different forms.
Children enjoyed their Tag Rugby Festival
Wild Night Out 14th - 15th July 2022
Year 4
Teacher: Karen Higginson
Spring Term 2022
Year 4 are reciting poems to each other on Poetry day
Here are pupils dressed up for World Book Day.
Autumn Term 2021
Children in year 4 ran running relay races with their own class.
Children in Year 4 looked at simple circuits today. They explored, using resources given and were able to create simple circuits.
Year 4 working on ball skills in PE
Here are the children in Year 4 looking for connections between the past and the present. They looked for evidence we have today to determine if there is any truth to Theseus and the Minotaur.
18 -11 - 21
Pupils are learning to understand the meaning of a mechanism through creating a moving part.
The children have been studying tooth decay using egg shells. They are observing the changes made to the shell using coke, orange juice and water.
Year 4 have been reflecting on their Geography. They have reviewed what they know so far.
( 14.1021) Year 4 have been reflecting back on their learning in history through the early part of school. We have compared things they learnt in Year 1 and Year 3 and talked about how this can help us in Year 4
Here are some examples of children's writing in RE. We looked at the Creation.
Here are some pictures of children looking at the position of Europe in the world. They looked at this in relation to the Equator ( 11.10.21)
As part of celebrating co-curriculum activities, some pupils are sharing their skills from community activities.
Pupils have created PowerPoint presentations about Europe
Year 4 ( in preparation for Poetry day) have been writing their own poems from images
Year 4 have been using base 10 to support all children in their understanding of place value
Year 4 have been working on Hatching Skills in Art
Year 4 have been looking at the digestive system using juice/biscuits and tights.