First Federation Trust
Autumn Term 2023
Mother Goose Letters
We have been writing letters to and from Mother Goose. We have worked hard on letter formation and finger spaces. We have learnt that names always have a capital letter. Well done, Year 1!

Design and Technology and Maths - Whole and part cutting fruit
We have been learning how to cut fruit and vegetable safely. We have been finding out what a whole and part is using our fruit and vegetables.

Science - Autumn walk
We have been looking for signs of autumn in school. We went on a colour hunt and found lots of different shades of red, orange and yellow.

Science - Making predictions
We have been scientists making predictions about what might happen to the pumpkin when we return to school after the holidays.
Pumpkin Prediction

Pumpkin Prediction

Pumpkin Prediction

Pumpkin Prediction

Pumpkin Predictions

Art - Circles
In art this term, we have been creating circles and spirals. We have been inspired by Molly Haslund's circle artwork. We created tools to help us create large circles in the playground. We also drew observational drawings of shells. We shared our work with our parents and carers in our class assembly.
Year 1 class assembly Autumn term

RE - Our wonderful world
After learning about the Christian creation story, we have thought about our world and what we are thankful for in the natural world. We spent time outside asking questions about our world.

Science - Seasonal walk
In science we have been learning about the 4 seasons. We have been exploring the school during Autumn.

We have learnt about the parts of a computer and how to log in and out securely.