First Federation Trust
Year 4 Making Telephones in Science to listen to sounds through vibrations 16-6-23
Cricket Festival 19-5-23 - Year 4 learning cricket skills
Year 4 at Wild Night Out 27.4.23
28-3-23 Year 4 have been learning cricket skills today.
20-3-23 Children in Year 4 have been looking at melting substances through a fair test.
10-3-23 Children using notation to play melodies
2-3-23 World Book Day Photos of the children in their wonderful cosrumes
World Book Day! Our amazing Year 4 children dressed in the characters of their books.
Year 4 are working on impressionism and trying water colours to create images of this. 28-2-23
Pancake Races Year 4 28-2-23
Year 4 -Organising States of Matter images into Venn Diagrams and exploring possible questions. 27-2-23
Year 4 Learning about Orienteering 24-2-23
Learning about electrons with Mr Sandford. 23-1-23
Investigating Circuits 9th January 2023
A few example of children researching the famous sculptor Andy Goldsworthy
Children have enjoyed working on gymnastic skills.
Students in Year 4 had a fantastic day learning Tag Rugby Skills. Thank you to all those in the community that helped.
In Science, student learnt how the digestive system work using a pair of tights
Students enjoyed learning to balance in different ways in PE.